An old wives' tale is an story or piece of information that has been passed down from generation to generation, and which has no factual basis. Based on Brewer's dictionary of phrase and fable defines: "Old wives' tale, An. Legendary lore or a story usually involving the marvelous and only accepted by the credulous."
All it means is that it is a different way of saying something that the older generation (e.g your grandparents) used to tell one another tips and special ways on something. Like in the past (and present), when people knew that they were coming down with an illness, like flu or cold, and they had a sore throat; they would poor a beechams powder thing (the thing you dissolve in water to soothe your throat) down in the back of your throat and it would conquer the effects of flu. I would tell you why it reverses the effect but that's a whole different story.
One of the old wives' tales for predicting your baby's gender has to do with the way that you are carrying your baby. In this particular old wives' tale, if you are carrying your baby low, it is predicted that your baby's gender will be male. If you are carrying high, then, it is predicted that your baby's gender will be female. Of course, in reality, the way that you are carrying your baby has nothing to do with your baby's gender, but rather the muscle and tone of your uterus.
The next old wives' tale that can be used to predict your baby's gender is cravings. It is said that the particular food cravings you have are caused by the gender of your baby. So, craving chocolate or other sweets during pregnancy would mean that you are going to have a girl, whereas if you crave sour things like lemons your will have a boy. Of course, pregnancy cravings have more to do, in reality, with a combination of nutritional needs and psychological factors.
Another old wives' tale uses your husband's weight gain to predict your baby's gender. If your husband gains weight, you will be having a girl. If he doesn't gain weight, you'll be having a boy.
Some old wives' tales used for predicting your baby's gender may even have been thought to be scientific at one time. For example, it was thought that your baby's heartbeat could be used to predict your baby's gender. It was thought that a heart rate on the higher end meant a girl, and at the lower end it meant a boy. Medical research has proved this one to be an old wives' tale, as well.
My conclusion? Well, in my opinion some of them work some of them don't. But most of them are really just coincidences. One of my friends took a lot of old wives tail quizzes and the Chinese gender thingy and everything said boy but she have had 5 ultrasounds and they all say girl. But I won’t really know for sure until the baby gets here. She's 40 weeks pregnant with baby.
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